December 1, 2008

Markets in Free Fall Again?

After a week of Obama picking his economic advisors, Monday had the shocking announcement the economy has been in a recession since December 2007. Since investors apparently just got the memo, today had a huge drop in stock prices. Just a side not, if investors are getting their information from a organization that takes a year to decide if a recession happened, investors have a real common sense problem here. I wonder what they will tell us a year from now... Barack Obama was elected president, and Sarah Palin was never qualified to be nominated?

How much worse will this crisis get?
Daily Kos Users polled on Monday night, think the Dow will drop below 6500 [].

Today, George Bush in an interview on ABC News said his biggest failure during his presidency was the intelligence failure leading up to Iraq.... You would think he would regret not stopping the 9/11 attacks. No, it was the failure that exposed him for being for being a deceptive fool. Not the inaugural failure of the Bush Administration.

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