Lots of people have lost and will lose lots of money as a result of the financial industry collapsing. Very simply, it was caused by loans being given to people who wouldn’t be able to fulfill the terms. This was made possible by deregulation, low interest rates, and creative financing tools created by the largest banks. The results have been foreclosed homes and falling home worth, a collapsing financial system, and an economy facing days not seen in most of our lifetimes.
Several companies, like investment banks, helped make all this possible. One of these companies had a Chief Executive, who made out with over $500 million dollars in 2006 alone. In 2005, he was the highest compensated Chief Executive. While this CEO was running Goldman Saches, they were involved in some of the most risky of the all the loans, the most heinous, the type that helped create this mess. This guy got out of Goldman well before the collapse.
Today, he is in charge of the Treasury, Henry Paulson. He’s responsible for all our currency and making sure our economy functions. He even signed all our cash (printed after 2006. Yes, it is okay to look in your pocket, assuming you have any of that stuff left.)
So to break this down, in 2006, George W. Bush chose this man, Henry M Paulson, out of hundreds of CEOs and financial experts throughout this nation, the same man who is partly responsible for the mess we see today, to be in charge of our Treasury and advise George Bush on the economy.
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
Reference: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/07/04/business/04goldman.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
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